
ms 97 solved assignment 2022-23

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ms 97 solved assignment 2022-23



MS 97 – International Business
Course Code: MS 97
Course Title: International Business
Assignement Code : MS-97/TMA/JULY/2022

Course : OLD MBA
Session 2022-23
Submission date : Last date of submission for July 2022 session is 31st October, 2022 and for January 2023 session is 30th April, 2023

Questions in assignment

1. Explain the importance and benefits of international business and discuss the challenges
in international business.
2. What are the major factors to be considered in evaluating political environment in a
country? Discuss how such factors could affect international business.
3. Explain the concept and need for strategic alliances. Discuss the comprehensive model of
strategic alliances and networks.
4. Discuss the strategic issues in international operations management.
5. Explain the concept of emerging market economies and their characteristics in detail.
6. Write a detailed note on the following:
a) Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs)
b) E-business and International Supply Chain Management.


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