MHI 10 MA History Ignou assignment 2024
Session 2024
Submission date : 30th October 2024
1. How are the spatial aspects of urbanism reflected in the archaeological record?
Comment taking the case of the Harappan civilisation. 20
2. Critically examine chief characteristics of early historic urban centres. 20
3. Discuss the notions of space after the emergence of urban centres in the sixth century
BCE. 20
4. ‘Early medieval centres unlike the early historic centres were primarily nodal points in
local exchange’ Comment 20
MHI 10 MA History Ignou assignment 2024
5. Write short notes on any two of the following. Answer in about 250 words each.
i) Lefebvre’s notion of space
ii) Portuguese Cities a Polisgarchic
iii) Burial Practices of the Harappans
iv) Bhir Mound
6. Discuss the process of urbanization under the Delhi Sultans. 20
7. ‘Tanjavur emerged as the chief ‘ceremonial’ centre by the political will of the Cholas’.
Comment 20
8. Analyse sacred zones and khandas of Banaras. How did it influence the cityscape? 20
MHI 10 MA History Ignou assignment 2024
9. Describe the emergence of canal colonies. What was its impact? How did it alter the urban
spaces? 20
10. Write short notes on any two of the following. Answer in about 250 words each.
i) Capital cities of Mandu
ii) Masulipatnam
iii) Cities in the Kutchh-Gujarat Region
iv) Improvement Trusts
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