
MCO 04 Old M.COM Ignou Solved Assignment 2024

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MCO 04 Old M.COM Ignou Solved Assignment 2024

Course : Old M.COM
Session 2024
Submission date : 1. Those who are enrolled in July 2023, it is valid upto June 2024. 2. Those who are enrolled in January 2024, it is valid upto December 2024.

NOTE- After payment download option will come and you can download assignment / guess paper. Or you will get a copy of assignment / guess paper in Email also.


1) How does socio-cultural environment affects business decisionmaking? Give a brief sketch of the nature of socio-cultural
environment prevailing in India.
2) Write short notes on following:
a) Call Money Market
b) Certificate of Deposits Market
c) Money Market Mutual Funds
d) Discount and Finance House of India.

MCO 04 Old M.COM Ignou Solved Assignment 2024

3) Why is Indian economy regarded as an underdeveloped
economy? State its basic characteristics.
4) State the salient features of 1956 Industrial Policy Resolution.
How far the objectives of this policy could be achieved.

MCO 04 Old M.COM Ignou Solved Assignment 2024

5) What do you mean by liberalization? State the various factors
that necessitated liberalisation of the economy in India?


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