How to make synopsis of project ignou MBA MMPP 01 Full process 2024 Self gyan 9699784305

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Introduction to MMPP 01 Synopsis for IGNOU MBA

The IGNOU MBA program is renowned for its comprehensive curriculum and practical project work, essential for every aspiring business leader. One of the pivotal components of this curriculum is the “MMPP-01 Synopsis,” a project synopsis submission that sets the stage for your final project. It’s crucial for students to understand the importance of crafting a compelling MMPP-01 Synopsis, as it lays the foundation for their project’s success.

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महत्वपूर्ण नोट्स प्रोजेक्ट synopsis तैयार करते समय –
ii) “MMPP 01” को लिफाफे पर स्पष्ट रूप से लिखा जाना चाहिए और इसे निम्नलिखित को attach किया जाना चाहिए
आपके संबंधित regional centre पर भेजना है। आप उसको पोस्ट भी कर सकते है by Registered/Speed Post/by hand. अगर नजदीक है तो जाकर भी जमा कर सकते है पोस्ट की रिसीप्ट को सभाल कर रखना वो ही Prof है की आपने भेजा है synopsis.
a) FIRST PAGE PERFORMA को सभी स्टूडेंट को भरना है उसी ऊपर में आपको approval मिलेगा उसको सभाल कर भरना है student and guide siganture जरूर कर देना वरना बिना उसके synopsis आपका रिजेक्ट हो जायेगा

Guide biodata लगाना जरुरी है अगर वो IGNOU का गाइड है तो ONLY SIGNATURE करा देना परफॉर्मा Annexure-I पर FIRST PAGE पर। अगर अपने गाइड बहार से लिया है तो आपको बायोडाटा लगाना जरुरी है बायोडाटा ले लास्ट पेज पर SIGNATURE जरुरी है एंड परफॉर्मा पर FIRST PAGE PERFORMA फर्स्ट पेज पर भी .


MBA ONLINE LMS पोर्टल के माध्यम से सारांश का सबमिशन। करना है जो ऑनलाइन कोर्स के स्टूडेंट्स है डॉक्यूमेंट same रहेंगे pdf बनाकर अपलोड करना है signature करा कर student एंड गाइड के
ODL Students of MBA Programmes
To, The Regional Director,
of your Respective Regional Centre.
आपके संबंधित regional centre पर भेजना है।
Important Notes While Preparing – Project Proposal (Synopsis)
Send only one copy of the Project synopsis/ Proposal, and retain a copy with you.
ii) “MMPP 01” should be written prominently on the envelope and should be addressed to
The Regional Director (of your Respective Regional Centre)
For the address of the Regional Center you may refer Student Handbook & Prospectus given
on our website or 
iii) Ensure the inclusion of the following while submitting the Project synopsis /Proposal:
a) Ensure that duly filled in Proforma for Approval of Project synopsis Proposal, signed by
both, the student and the guide along with date (Annexure-I).



b) Detailed Bio-data of the Guide duly signed by him/her.


Crafting the Perfect MMPP-01 Synopsis

Creating the perfect MMPP-01 Synopsis requires a deep understanding of your project’s objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes. It should start with a clear statement of the problem, followed by the objectives of your study. Literature review, research methodology, and proposed data analysis techniques come next, showcasing how you plan to approach your research. Remember, your MMPP-01 Synopsis is your project’s blueprint, so it’s imperative to be detailed and precise.

Tips for Successful MMPP-01 Synopsis Submission in IGNOU MBA

Follow the Guidelines: Always adhere to the specific guidelines provided by IGNOU for the MMPP-01 Synopsis. This includes format, length, and submission procedures.

Be Clear and Concise: While it’s important to be detailed, clarity and conciseness should not be compromised. Ensure that your synopsis is easy to read and understand.

Before finalizing your MMPP-01 Synopsis, seek feedback from your peers and supervisors. This can provide you with valuable insights and improve your synopsis.

the MMPP-01 Synopsis is a critical step in your IGNOU MBA journey. It not only serves as the proposal for your final project but also as an opportunity to showcase your research skills and subject knowledge. By following these tips and focusing on creating a well-structured synopsis, you can pave the way for a successful project submission.

A Comprehensive Guide to Submitting MBA Project Synopsis and Reports for IGNOU Students


Pursuing an MBA through the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) offers students the flexibility of learning through both Open and Distance Learning (ODL) and online modes. A crucial component of the MBA program is the completion of a project course, specifically MMPP-001, which requires students to submit a project synopsis followed by a detailed project report. This guide provides an in-depth overview of the process involved in submitting these components, ensuring you meet all necessary requirements for successful completion.

Submission of Synopsis

  1. Target Audience and Submission Channels:

    • ODL Students: This includes students enrolled in MBA, MBAFM, MBAHM, MBAMM, MBAOM, and MBF programs. These students are required to submit their synopsis to the Regional Director of their respective Regional Centre. Addresses for these centres can be found in the Student Handbook and Prospectus on the IGNOU website.
    • MBA (Online) Students: Students pursuing the MBA program online are required to submit their synopsis through the LMS Portal.
  2. Registration and Fees:

    • Starting from the January 2023 admission cycle, IGNOU has implemented a project fee of INR 500 per course for the project course MMPP-001.

Guidelines for MMPP-001 Project Course

The MMPP-001 project course is equivalent to two courses but is treated as one eight-credit course for registration purposes. This course does not come with additional study material. The primary objective is to enable students to apply multidisciplinary concepts, tools, and techniques to analyze and solve organizational problems. The project should ideally focus on a topic related to your MBA specialization.

Synopsis Submission and Evaluation Process

  1. Selection of Topic:

    • Choose a topic that aligns with your area of specialization within the MBA program. The title should clearly convey the subject matter and be definitive. The project can take the form of a comprehensive case study, an inter-organizational study, or a field (empirical) study.
  2. Selection of Guide:

    • Once you have chosen a topic, you must select a guide who is experienced in the chosen area. The eligibility criteria for guides include:
      • Management faculty at the School of Management Studies, Headquarters.
      • Approved Academic Counselors with relevant experience.
      • Professionals with a Master’s degree in management or allied disciplines and a minimum of five years of experience in the relevant area.
    • The guide will receive an honorarium of INR 500 for guiding the project.
  3. Preparation of Synopsis:

    • The synopsis is essential to collaborate closely with your guide during the preparation stage.
  4. Submission of Synopsis:

    • The synopsis must be submitted along with the ‘Proforma for Approval of Synopsis’ and the guide’s bio-data. Ensure that all forms are signed and dated correctly.
    • ODL students submit their synopsis to the Regional Director of their respective Regional Centre, while online students submit through the LMS Portal.
  5. Evaluation and Feedback:

    • The Regional Centre evaluates the synopsis, assigning a unique Project Proposal (PP) number if accepted. The status of approval or non-approval is communicated within two to three months. If a synopsis is not approved, you will receive feedback for revising and resubmitting it.

Project Report Submission

  1. Preparation of Project Report:

    • After receiving approval for your synopsis, you can proceed with the project work. The project report should be between 60 to 80 pages (approximately 18,000 words) and structured as follows:
      • Introduction: Background, rationale, objectives, and scope.
      • Research Methodology: Research design, data sources, sampling methods, and data analysis techniques.
      • Results and Discussion: Present results in tabular or graphical formats, followed by detailed interpretations.
      • Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations.
      • References/Bibliography and Annexures.
  2. Submission Process:

    • ODL students submit the project report to the Registrar (SED), IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, while online students submit through the LMS Portal. A unique PR number is assigned upon submission, which is used for all future correspondence.
  3. Viva-Voce and Plagiarism:

    • Students may be required to appear for a Viva-Voce if recommended by the evaluator. Additionally, the project report must be free from plagiarism, adhering to the University’s policy.

Important Notes and Contact Information

  1. Regional Centres:

    • For approval of the project proposal, ODL students should contact their respective Regional Director. Contact details and email IDs for all Regional Centres can be found on the IGNOU website.
  2. Project Report Status:

    • For inquiries regarding the status of your project report, contact the Assistant Registrar (SED) at IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi, via email at or by calling the provided contact numbers.

The process of submitting a project synopsis and report for IGNOU’s MBA program is detailed and requires careful adherence to the guidelines provided. By following this guide, you can ensure that your submissions meet the necessary standards, paving the way for successful completion of your MBA project course.

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