
BBYCT 137 BSCG ignou assignment 2024

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BBYCT 131 BSCG ignou assignment 2024

Course : BSCG
Session 2024
Submission date : This assignment is valid from 1st January, 2024 to 31st December, 2024.

1. a) Discuss the components of water potential.
b) How is the inward to outward flow of water from cell to cell
2. a) Describe the mechanism of stomatal opening.
b) Write a note on ABA signaling model to explain stomatal
3. a) Discuss the techniques to study the role of mineral nutrients.
b) What are the roles of Fe and Zn in mineral nutrition in plants?

BBYCT 137 BSCG ignou assignment 2024

4. a) Describe active transport and role of pumps in nutrient transport in
b) What is the structure of chlorophyll?
5. a) Discuss the photosynthetic unit and Light Harvesting Complexes.
b) What is Emerson enhancement effect?
6. Discuss the Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) and significance of
CAM plants.
7. a) Describe the experiments on translocation of organic substances
through phloem.
b) What is Munch mass flow model for translocation?
8. Discuss the following:
a) Mechanism of enzyme action
b) Regulation of glycolysis

BBYCT 137 BSCG ignou assignment 2024

9. a) Describe ammonium assimilation and its regulation.
b) What are bacteroides?
10. Write short notes:
a) Bioassay of gibberellin
b) Brassinosteroids
c) Heat shock proteins
d) Properties of phytochrome


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