
BBYET 141 BSCG ignou assignment 2024

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BBYET 141 BSCG ignou assignment 2024

Course : BSCG
Session 2024
Submission date : This assignment is valid from 1st January, 2024 to 31st December, 2024.


1. Describe the structure, composition and functions of mitochondria along with
suitable diagram.
2. Explain the concept of Operon. Describe their role in gene regulation along
with suitable diagram.
3. a) Discuss the factors that determine the resolving power of a
b) Differentiate between transmission and scanning electron

BBYET 141 BSCG ignou assignment 2024

4. a) Discuss the mechanisms involved in gene silencing by RNA
b) Compare the process of DNA replication in prokaryotes and
5. a) Discuss the common features of chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA
with labelled diagram.
b) Discuss the role of Cdk’s during cell cycle progression.
6. List various components of nucleus. Describe the structure of ‘nuclear pore
complex’ with the help of neat labelled diagram.
7. Describe various stage of Meiosis I and II with the help of suitable diagram. (10)
8. a) Discuss the ErvinChargaff’s Rule.
b) Give an outline of polypeptide synthesis in bacteria.

BBYET 141 BSCG ignou assignment 2024

9. Describe Griffith’s experiment for demonstration of DNA as a genetic
material with suitable diagram.
10. Write short notes on the following:
i) Peroxixomes
ii) Golgi apparatus
iii) Telomerase enzyme
iv) Endosymbiotic Theory


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