
BCOS 185 BCOMG ignou assignment 2024

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BCOS 185 BCOMG ignou assignment 2024

Course : BCOMG
Session 2023-24
Submission date : Last date of submission Valid from 1st July, 2023 to 30th June, 2024 First Semester

Section – A
Q.1 Discuss the role of entrepreneur in employment generation. (10)
Q.2 What do you understand by ‘Entrepreneurship’? Explain the need for entrepreneurship
development in India.
Q.3 Discuss the role of entrepreneurs in bringing about social stability and balanced regional
Q.4 List the various marketing promotion schemes run by the Ministry of MSME. (10)
Q.5 “Entrepreneurship is an environment-oriented activity.” Explain that how does economic
environment assist in development of entrepreneurship.
Section – B

BCOS 185 BCOMG ignou assignment 2024

Q.6 What legal formalities are to be complied by an entrepreneur for establishment of a new
unit? Explain in brief.
Q.7 State the various functions of Entrepreneur. (6)
Q.8 What do you mean by Business Plan? How do you prepare Business Plan? (6)
Q.9 What are the remedies to the problems faced by women entrepreneurs? (6)
Q.10 Discuss the challenges faced by entrepreneurs in India. (6)
Section – C

BCOS 185 BCOMG ignou assignment 2024

Q.11 Write short notes on the following:
a) SWOT Analysis.
b) Creativity
Q.12 Distinguish between:
a) Innovation and Invention
b) Entrepreneur and Manager


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