
IBO 01 MCOM ignou assignment 2024

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IBO 01 MCOM ignou assignment 2024

Course : MCOM
Session 2024
Submission date : Those who are enrolled in January 2024, it is valid upto December 2024.


1. a) Define international business environment. Differentiate between micro and
macro environment with examples.
b) What is political risk? Discuss the major types of political risk with
2. a) Explain various theories explaining emergence of TNCs in the world
b) Highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of TNCs operations for
the host country and the investing country.

IBO 01 MCOM ignou assignment 2024

3. Comment on the following:
a) Tariff barriers are not the only instrument to restrict trade and give
protection to the domestic import competing industry.
b) All contracts are agreements but all agreements are not contracts.
c) Indian foreign trade policy does not facilitate the import of technology.
d) In the neoclassical model free trade not only equalises the relative
commodity price in the two countries but also equalises the relative wage
4. Distinguish between:
a) Custom union and Common market
b) GATT and WTO
c) Export sales contract and Domestic sales contract
d) Express contract and Implied contract

IBO 01 MCOM ignou assignment 2024

5. Write short notes on the following:
a) Porter’s view of Globalization
b) Hosmer’s model for ethical analysis
c) Role of services in economic development
d) Sales of goods act, 1930


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