
MCO 03 Old M.COM Ignou Solved Assignment 2024

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MCO 03 Old M.COM Ignou Solved Assignment 2024

Course : Old M.COM
Session 2024
Submission date : 1. Those who are enrolled in July 2023, it is valid upto June 2024. 2. Those who are enrolled in January 2024, it is valid upto December 2024.

NOTE- After payment download option will come and you can download assignment / guess paper. Or you will get a copy of assignment / guess paper in Email also.


Q. 1 What is meant by statistical fallacy? What dangers and fallacies are
associated with the use of statistics?
Q. 2 a) What do you mean by a problem? Explain the various points to be
considered while selecting a problem.
b) How do you select an appropriate scaling technique for a research
study? Explain the issues involved in it.

MCO 03 Old M.COM Ignou Solved Assignment 2024

Q. 3 Briefly comment on the following:
a) “A representative value of a data set is a number indicating the central
value of that data”.
b) “A good report must combine clear thinking, logical organization and
sound Interpretation”.
c) “Visual presentation of statistical data has become more popular and
is often used by the researcher”.
d) “The research has to provide answers to the research questions
Q. 4 Write short notes on the following:
a) Comparative Method of Research
b) Structure of a Report
c) Components of Time Series
d) Characteristics of a Binomial Distribution

MCO 03 Old M.COM Ignou Solved Assignment 2024

Q. 5 Distinguish between the following:
a) Observation and Experiment
b) Schedule and Questionnaire
c) Census and Sample
d) Exact Tests and Approximate Tests


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