
MEC 102 MAEC Ignou Solved Assignment 2024

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MEC 102 MAEC Ignou Solved Assignment 2024

Course : MA Economics
Session 2024
Submission date : 1. By 31st October 2023, for the students willing to appear in December 2023 term end examination. 2. By 30thApril 2024, for the students willing to appear in June 2024 term end examination.

NOTE- After payment download option will come and you can download assignment / guess paper. Or you will get a copy of assignment / guess paper in Email also.


1. Discuss how an economy achieves equilibrium in the IS-LM model. What do the points
outside the IS curve signify? Highlight the factors that influence the IS and the LM
2. Discuss the important features of new-classical macroeconomics. What are the major
policy issues highlighted by new-classical economics?

MEC 102 MAEC Ignou Solved Assignment 2024

Section B
Answer the following questions in about 400 words each. Each question carries 12marks.
3. Specify a loss function and interpret it. What is meant by dynamic inconsistency?
4. Differentiate between adaptive expectations and rational expectations. Explain why the
shape of the Phillips curve changes when we introduce expectations in our analysis.
5. Bring out the factors that lead to rigidity in wages and prices.

MEC 102 MAEC Ignou Solved Assignment 2024

6. Describe the importance of public debt in an economy. Under what conditions is public
debt not sustainable in an economy?
7. Write short notes on the following.
i) Inter-temporal utility maximization
ii) New-Keynesian macroeconomics


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