
MED 02 M.A. Political Science Ignou assignment 2024

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MED 02 M.A. Political Science  Ignou assignment 2024

Session 2024
Submission date : 30th October 2024

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1. Critically analyse the strengths and weaknesses of various
approaches tosustainable development. Elucidate your answer with
suitable examples.
2. “We discharge our roles following a particular lifestyle that may not be
compatiblewith sustainable development” Justify the statement with suitable
examples from our daily life.

3. Describe how traditional knowledge and modern scientific knowledge
can beintegrated to achieve sustainable development.
4. How can sustainable use of natural resources help achieve

MED 02 M.A. Political Science Ignou assignment 2024

5. Analyse the roadblocks to global initiatives in protecting the global
6. Describe various state and local development initiatives to address
inequality.Substantiate your answer with suitable examples.
7. Explain the following in about 250 words each: (5×4=20)
(a) Concept of carrying capacity.
(b) Initiatives of the South Asian countries towards the betterment
of theenvironment.
(c) Sustainable Agriculture Practices.
(d) Innovative practices in Sustainable Development of Water and

MED 02 M.A. Political Science Ignou assignment 2024

8. Explain the following in about 250 words each: (5×4=20)
(a) Cooperatives and Sustainable Development
(b) Sustained Livelihood
(c) Concept of Harness Technology in Sustainable Development.
(d) Sustainable and non-sustainable activities


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