
MEG 15 MA English Ignou assignment 2024

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MEG 15 MA English Ignou assignment 2024

Session 2024
Submission date : 30th October 2024

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Attempt any 05 questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. How does a film that has been adapted from a story/novel affect our understanding of
the text through the shift of perspective? Illustrate. 20
2. What do you understand by the term ‘oral literature’? Illustrate. 20
3. Explain with examples how Andhayug is relevant to our times. 20

MEG 15 MA English Ignou assignment 2024

4. What is magical realism? What are its defining characteristics? Illustrate. 20
5. What do you understand by ‘shifting perspectives? How does it influence our
interpretation of a cultural work? 20
6. Do you think that studies in comparative literature can help to bring about world
harmony? How? 20
7. How is the area of cultural studies related to comparative literature. 20

MEG 15 MA English Ignou assignment 2024

8. What do you understand by the terms ‘centre’ and ‘periphery’? Illustrate. 20
9. Can translation be regarded as re telling? Explain with examples. 20
10.How does inter-literariness affect out interpretation of texts?


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