
MMPC 09 MBA Ignou assignment 2024

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MMPC 09 MBA Ignou assignment 2024

Course : MBA

Session 2024

Submission date : Last date of submission for January 2024 session is 30th April, 2024

and for July 2024 sessions is 31st October, 2024

NOTE- After payment download option will come and you can download assignment / guess paper. Or you will get a copy of assignment / guess paper in Email also.


Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment to the coordinator of your
study centre. Last date of submission for January 2024 session is 30th April, 2024
and for July 2024 session is 31st October, 2024.
1. There are many stages involved in bringing a new output to the market. Why can’t the
stages be performed in a smooth sequence?
2. Identify the information needed for the project crashing. For a project with which you are
familiar with, try to identify the various items of information.


MMPC 09 MBA Ignou assignment 2024

3. “It is not surprising that a larger sample does a better job of discriminating between good
and bad lots”. Critically examine the above statement.
4. Differentiate between wastivity and productivity. Discuss whether “reducing wastivity”
and “increasing productivity” imply one and the samething.
5. Write short notes on any three:


MMPC 09 MBA Ignou assignment 2024

a. Locational break-even analysis
b. Line of Balance (LOB) for Production Control
c. Taxonomy of waste
d. ABC analysis
e. Critical Path Method (CPM)



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