
MMPO 06 Solved Assignment MBA Ignou 2024-25

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MMPO 06 Solved Assignment MBA Ignou 2024-25

Course – MBA

Sesion – 2024-25

MMPO 06 Solved Assignment MBA Ignou 2024-25

1. “Materials management contains an integrated process of materials flow, in, through and
out of an organization”. Comment on it and talk about the reasons behind it.
2. Why has management of supplier network become a contemporary and critical issue?
Explain with reference to the present industrial situations.
3. “Inventory hides problems and inefficiencies”. Explain this preposition and highlight the
need for Pull Systems.
4. Differentiate between codification, standardisation and simplification?
5. Why are customer service, packaging and production scheduling considered to be interfunctional management activity? How can they be managed effectively within a
functionally organized firm?

MMPO 06 Solved Assignment MBA Ignou 2024-25


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