
MPSE 05 M.A. Political Science Ignou assignment 2024

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MPSE 05 M.A. Political Science Ignou assignment 2024

Session 2024
Submission date : 30th October 2024

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1. Trace how Africa came into being.
2. Describe the patterns of colonization in Africa.
3. Examine Neo-colonialism as the new tactics of imperialism in Africa.
4. Discuss the crisis of legitimacy of the state in Africa.
5. Delineate the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) and development in Africa.

MPSE 05 M.A. Political Science Ignou assignment 2024

Write a short note on each part of the following questions in about 250 words.
6. a) Unitary regime in Africa
b) Political parties in Africa
7. a) Key features of African foreign trade
b) Angolan crisis
8. a) Problems of peacekeeping in Africa
b) Food crisis in Africa

MPSE 05 M.A. Political Science Ignou assignment 2024

9. a) Human Security in sub –Saharan Africa
b) Ethnicity and nationalism in Africa
10. a) Causes of violence in Africa
b) Lagos Plan of Action (LPA)


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