
ms 611 solved assignment 2022-23

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ms 611 solved assignment 2022-23



Course Code: MS 611
Course Title: Rural Marketing

Course : OLD MBA
Session 2022-23
Submission date : Last date of submission for July 2022 session is 31st October, 2022 and for January 2023 session is 30th April, 2023

Questions in assignment

1. Comment upon how the rural economic environment affects the marketing decisions
for the rural market with suitable example.
2. Visit any nearby village in the vicinity of your town and spend half a day at any retail
outlet. Identify the approaches of customer in buying and list them down based on the
steps in the buyer behaviour process.
3. Do you agree that stripped down versions for rural markets at a lower cost or similar
cost structures but smaller quantity can be effective as alternatestrategies? Comment.
4. Discuss `language’ as a variable in message development in view of the
multilingual, multi-ethnic nature of rural India.
5. How would the Thomson Market Index enable a marketer to take appropriate
marketing decisions? Critically comment upon the utility of the tool.


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