
MSOE 03 MA Sociology Ignou Solved Assignment 2024

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MSOE 03 MA Sociology Ignou Solved Assignment 2024

Course : MA Sociology
Session 2024
Submission date : 31st March, 2024

30th September, 2024

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1. Discuss the functional interpretation of religion. 20
2. Discuss the role of religious specialists in society with reference to the
perspective of Max Weber.

MSOE 03 MA Sociology Ignou Solved Assignment 2024

3. Critically examine the relationship between religion and economy. 20
4. Explain the concept of sacrifice with reference to Nuer society. 20
5. Discuss the relationship between ascetic Protestantism and capitalism. 20
6. Explain religion as a system of symbols. 20
7. Explain the European concept of secularism. 20

MSOE 03 MA Sociology Ignou Solved Assignment 2024

8. Compare and contrast the concepts of fundamentalism and communalism. 20
9. Discuss the emergence and spread of Christianity in India. 20
10. Examine the social context of the emergence of Buddhism.


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